Welcome from the Principal
Phoenix High School Families & Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We look forward to a meaningful and productive partnership with all families. I encourage Phoenix parents and guardians to actively participate in their students’ education by participating in our family events, community events, volunteer groups, as well as serve on school committees.
Phoenix is a California Model Continuation High School. We offer alternative pathways to graduation for students whose needs cannot be met in the traditional high school setting. We provide students with a rigorous and individualized instructional program that leads to graduation, as well as one-on-one support. Our dedicated teachers, counselors and staff are committed to helping students reach high school graduation, college and career readiness. We pride ourselves in successfully preparing students for their transition to college, career pathways and beyond.
As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, I look forward to working with you to provide our students with the best educational experiences.
In Service,
Dr. Irma Lemus